The Elenium and Tamuli series of novels provide a good background for role playing for the intrepid adventurer. Here are some guidelines that I provide for my gaming group for playing in this world of David Eddings using the GURPS gaming system.
GURPS Basic, GURPS Compendium I, GURPS Magic and GURPS Grimoire were used to construct these guidelines. If you don’t have GURPS yet, please pick up the GURPS Lite rules for a quick start.
Campaign Plan
Campaign name: Elenium/Tamuli
Starting year: 2974-5 EY, 12-18 months before the events of The Diamond
Known nonhuman races: Trolls, Ogres, Darmoks, Seekers
Campaign base area: The Zemoch Border
Political Background
Elenia, Thalesia, Deira and Arcium: These four kingdoms are the strongest nations on the Eosian continent. They are ruled by strong monarchies with few checks on the power of the monarch. The will of the monarch is expressed in the army, the Church Knights and the various regional magistrates. Most of these monarchs are also advised by Royal Councils representing various interests in the kingdom. Each kingdom has a vigorous aristocracy but they do not have the power to challenge the monarch and his army. In the past generation, these kingdoms have been plagued with weak and erratic kings resulting in the aristocracy and the Church having more influence in these kingdoms.
Pelosia, Lamorkand, Cammoria and Rendor: These nations are kingdoms that rule in various degrees at the suffrage of their aristocracies. The nobles of these kingdoms maintain their own armies and occasionally wage their own internal wars of honor and power. Typically, the king is the most powerful of these aristocrats. By tradition (and from threats from the Church and the more powerful neighbors to the west) the internal wars must stay within the kingdom and not involve the nobles of their neighbors. Lamorkand is the most notorious of this type of internal warfare.
The Elene Church: The Church is one of the unifying forces of the Elene people. Their primary purpose is to care for the spiritual needs of their people, however, in pursuing this purpose they have amassed a great deal of temporal power. They maintain their own military in the form of church soldiers and the Church Knights, maintain monasteries to administer church lands in the Elene kingdoms and are based in the richest city in Eosia, Chryellos. The Church is ruled by an Archprelate who is advised by the Hierocracy, which is made up of patriarchs representing various districts in the Elene kingdoms.
The Zemoch Empire: A brutal theocracy run by the god Azash and his high priest Otha. The Zemoch people are terrorized into obedience by the priesthood of Azash. These magicians have the power of life and death over all the Zemoch.
The Styrics: The Styrics of the west are a scattered people that live in rude villages throughout Eosia. They do not have much direct political influence in the west except as targets for Elene demagogue and as the teachers of the Church Knights. The Western Styrics wait for the time they must use their magic to help the Elenes fight the Zemoch.
The Church Knights: Elenia, Thalesia, Deira and Arcium each maintain an order of knights, the Pandions, Genidian, Alciones, and Cyrinics, respectively. These knights serve the interests of both the state and the Church. It is unclear who has the ultimate authority over the knights. Both Church and secular law allow the command of the Knights to go to either the state or the Church in times of emergency.
The Thieves’ Council: This body is composed of the heads of the various Thieves’ Guilds of Eosia. They meet to settle guild borders, fence stolen goods and exchange information. The council is often unified but sometimes there are very nasty fights over the leadership and future of the council. The Thieves Council is very wealthy and very well informed about events around the world.
Can weapons be carried in public? Yes
Tech Level: 3, Elene society is a semi-literate society
Magic Rules
General mana level: High with some very high level mana
areas such as the valley of the Shining Ones or Ghwerig’s cave.
Magic type: Unlimited
mana, use the standard THRESH or 15 and RR of 15. Both scores can be increased as
per the Increased Power modifier. Two changes to the standard umana rules are THRESH
can’t be exceeded when casting spells so there are no calamities (there were never any
spell related calamities in the books) and the Option to Spend expansion is available
(Sparhawk and the other knights became tired maintaining illusions during the seige of
Baron Olstrom’s castle).
How common are magic and mages? Uncommon. Only Styrics and the Church Knights
are allowed magic.
Where are mages likely to be found? Styric villages and in the chapterhouses of
the Church Knights
What legal and social restrictions are there on magic? Only the Church Knights
are allowed magic. Witchcraft is a capital crime among common Elenes. Styrics often
have magic but have a reaction penalty to Elenes.
How common are magic items? Very rare, only a handful are known to exist.
Are there any active deities or Higher Powers? Yes, the Elene God, the Styric
Younger Gods, the Styric Elder Gods are a part of this campaign.
Is there any special clerical magic? All magic is clerical magic.
Are teleportation and telepathy common enough to affect communications? No
How common is healing magic? No direct healing magic (Minor and Major Heal are
not allowed)
What magical or fantastic creatures are common? Trolls and Ogres in Thalesia and Seekers and Darmoks in Zemoch
PC Information
PC races allowed: Human only (Elene, Styric, Atan)
Starting social levels allowed for PCs: Knights must have a status of at least
Languages the PCs will need: Elene (default), Styric, Zemoch
Appropriate Patrons: Orders of the
Church Knights
Appropriate Enemies: Renegade wizards and knights
Character Templates
These are various character templates found in the Elenium and the Tamuli and are
designed to be used with campaigns consisting of 100 point characters.
Pandion Knight (34 pts)
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The Pandion Knights are the elite horsemen of the nation of Elenia. They are feared
and respected in Elenia for their military prowess and their magical abilities. The
Pandions also have a reputation of being ruthless to their enemies largely do to the
rumors which they have spread about themselves. Sparhawk, Kalten, and the rogue knight
Martel are all examples of members of this order.
+1 ST (10 pts)
+1 HT(10 pts)
Reputation: +2 reaction to the unfaithful (10 pts)
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts)
Level 2 (knight) Status (10 pts)
Clerical Investment 1 (5 pts)
Literacy (5 pts)
Patron: Pandion Knights which supply some equipment (20 pts)
Duty: Church (-15 pts)
Duty: Pandion Knights (-15 pts)
Vow: Poverty (must live spartanly, i.e. they can own lands and expensive weapons and
armor but do not wear jewels or have other kinds of vulgar wealth) (-2 pts)
Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts)
Riding: DX+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword or Axe/Mace: DX+1 (4 pts)
Lance: DX+1 (4 pts)
Shield: DX+2 (4 pts)
Spear: DX+1 (4 pts)
Heraldry: IQ (2 pts)
Theology (Elene): IQ+4 (1 pt)
Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Intimidation: IQ (2 pts)
Suggested Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Wealth, Status, Clerical Investiture
Suggested Disadvantages: Bad Temper
Suggested Skills: Spells, Bow
Genidian Knight (45 pts)
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Genidian Knights are known as savage warriors from the snowy land of Thalesia. The
Genidian knights have the reputation for being Viking-like savages complete with blonde
braids, horned helms, looting sprees and berserk fighting. Add this to the fact that
these knights face down trolls and ogres their reputation increased even more. Those
closer to these knights know that the barbarous veneer camouflages men of great
theological learning and the sole knowledge of the non-human tongues of their troll and
Ogre neighbors. In addition they are the most brutally democratic of the orders of
knights. They choose their own leaders by election and remove incompetent leaders by
unified force. Ulath is a Genidian knight.
+2 ST (20 pts)
Reputation: +2 reaction to the unfaithful (10 pts)
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts)
Level 2 (Knight) Status (10 pts)
Clerical Investment Level 1 (5 pts)
Literacy (5 pts)
Patron: Genidian Knights which supply some equipment (20 pts)
Duty: Church (-15 pts)
Duty: Genidian Knights (-15 pts)
Vow: Poverty (must live spartanly, i.e. they can own lands and expensive weapons and
armor but do not wear jewels or have other kinds of vulgar wealth) (-2 pts)
Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts)
Riding: DX+1 (4 pts)
Axe/Mace or Two-Handed Axe/Mace: DX+2 (8 pts)
Shield: DX+2 (4 pts)
Lance: DX (2 pts)
Area Knowledge: Trolls and Ogres (1 pt)
Theology (Elene): IQ+4 (1 pt)
Language: Ogre IQ-1 (1 pt)
Language: Troll IQ-1 (1 pt)
Language: Ancient Thalesian IQ-1 (1 pt)
Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Quirk: Doesn’t wear plate armor (-1 pts)
Suggested Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Wealth, Status, Clerical Investiture
Suggested Disadvantages: Berserk
Suggested Skills: Spells
Alcione Knight (40 pts)
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The Deirans were among the first of the Elenes to use steel for weapons and tools.
Through the passing years they have kept the lead in making weapons and armor.
Currently, they are the only people who have mastered the creation of the massive heavy
plate mail armor that gives them a tremendous advantage in any battle. Tynian is an
Alcione Knight.
+2 ST (20 pts)
Reputation: +2 reaction to the unfaithful (10 pts)
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts)
Level 2 (Knight) Status (10 pts)
Clerical Investment 1 (5 pts)
Literacy (5 pts)
Patron: Alcione Knights which supply some equipment (20 pts)
Duty: Church (-15 pts)
Duty: Alcione Knights (-15 pts)
Vow: Poverty (must live spartanly, i.e. they can own lands and expensive weapons and
armor but do not wear jewels or have other kinds of vulgar wealth) (-2 pts)
Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts)
Riding: DX+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword or Axe/Mace: DX+1 (4 pts)
Lance: DX+1 (4 pts)
Shield: DX+2 (4 pts)
Armoury: IQ+1 (4 pts)
Theology (Elene): IQ+4 (1 pt)
Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Note: Only Alcione Knights have access to heavy plate armor.
Suggested Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Wealth, Status, Clerical Investiture
Suggested Skills: Spells
Cyrinic Knight (39 pts)
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Cyrinic Knights are known as the builder and destroyers of invincible castles. They
are all well versed in siege tactics and siege engines. Some knights like their
personal weapons to be as large and as powerful as their siege weapons. The Cyrinic
Knight Bevier wielded a huge Lochaber Axe (treat as a Two-Handed Axe) while other
knights use two-handed swords as their main weapon.
+1 ST (10 pts)
+1 HT (10 pts)
Reputation: +2 reaction to the unfaithful (10 pts)
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts)
Level 2 (Knight) Status (10 pts)
Clerical Investment 1 (5 pts)
Literacy (5 pts)
Patron: Cyrinic Knights which supply some equipment (20 pts)
Duty: Church (-15 pts)
Duty: Alcione Knights (-15 pts)
Vow: Poverty (must live spartanly, i.e. they can own lands and expensive weapons and
armor but do not wear jewels or have other kinds of vulgar wealth) (-2 pts)
Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts)
Riding: DX+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword or Axe/Mace: DX+1 (4 pts)
Lance: DX+1 (4 pts)
Shield: DX+2 (4 pts)
Gunner (Arbalest, Catapult): DX+1 (4 pts)
Armoury (Siege Engines): IQ (2 pts)
History (Eosian Military): IQ+3 (1 pts)
Theology (Elene): IQ+4 (1 pt)
Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Suggested Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Wealth, Status, Clerical Investiture
Suggested Disadvantages: Fanaticism
Suggested Skills: Spells, Mechanic-, Engineering (Primitive machines)
Notes on Elene Knights: Only men can become knights.
Elene Churchman (10 pts)
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The members of the Elene Clergy are the shepherds to the huge flock of the Elene
continent. The clergy is a highly organized entity crossing national boundaries and
boasting its own postal system, network of colleges, and military units as well as
having places of worship and cloisters for their monks and nuns. The organization of
the church allows it to minister to all Elenes for the glory and enrichment of the
Elene god.
Clerical Investment Level 1 (5 pts)
Literacy (Elene) (5 pts)
Patron: Elene Church (15 pts)
Duty: Elene Church (-20 pts)
Vow: Chastity (-5 pts)
History (Eosia, Church): IQ+5 (4 pts)
Theology (Elene): IQ+4 (1 pt)
Suggested Advantages: Blessed
Suggested Disadvantages: Fanaticism
Suggested Skills: Politics
Styric Magician (10 pts)
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The mysteries of the Styrics are personified in their powerful magicians. Using
their obscure language to channel magic from their one of a thousand foreign gods they
tend to make the the typical God fearing Elene nervous. Styrics that live on the Eosian
continent have been the target of many hate filled attacks by superstitious Elenes.
Usually, the Church Knights, who have many strong ties with the Styrics, protect these
people but the Knights cannot be everywhere at once.
-2 ST (-15 pts)
-2 Reaction to Elenes (-5 pts)
Magical Aptitude Level 2 (25 pts)
Clerical Investment Level 1 + 5 pts for spells (10 pts)
Pacifism: cannot kill (-15 pts)
Occultism: IQ (2 pts)
Theology (Styric): IQ+5 (2 pts)
Elene: IQ (2 pts)
Ancient Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Dialect Styric: IQ-2 (1 pt)
Quirk: Will not eat pork (-1 pt)
Suggested Disadvantages: Incompetence, any science
Styric magicians cannot wear metal armor or use steel weapons due to religious
See the Magic section for information about Styric
Elene Thieves Guild Member (2 pts)
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Most large cities have some form of thieves guild that controls all illicit activity
in that city. The thieves guilds of Eosia need a large and varied pool of talents to
carry out their operations. The members of the guild fulfill this need by acting as
burglars, con men, pickpockets, fencers, bouncers, embezzlers, enforcers,
extortionists, and prostitutes. The average thieves guild is usually held together by
intelligent and ruthless people that hold the guilds together with a combination of
fear and good business sense. The guilds of different cities are typically very cordial
to each other and do a brisk business in fencing goods stolen by other guilds in other
cities so the merchandise cannot be traced as easily.
Patron: Local Thieves Guild (6 pts)
Thieves Code (Never forget a debt, Thieves sanctuary, don’t operate in another guilds
area, never pay for anything) (-10 pts)
Streetwise: IQ (2 pts)
And 4 points in at least one thief/spy type skill, one weapon skill, climbing, jeweler,
accounting, fast talk, gambling or merchant
Note: Anyone stealing or encroaching on any other guild activity will be asked to
join the guild or be eliminated.
Atan Warrior (84 pts)
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The legends of the Atan giants from the distant east are well known on the Eosian
continent. The stories of their strength, speed, and ferocity in battle are not
exaggerated. The Atans would be rulers of the world by now except for their need to be
subservient to others. This tendency has grown from the genocidal need of the Atans to
extract every bit of vengeance from an enemy they possibly can. Now, the masters of the
Atans can minimize this race destructive attribute.
(+ 5″, +30 lb.)
+2 ST (20 pts)
+2 DX (20 pts)
+3 HT (30 pts)
Combat Reflexes (15 pts)
Rapid Healing (5 pts)
Toughness Level 1 (10 pts)
Social Stigma: Tamul (-5 pts)
Atan Code (must avenge any perceived insult with permission of owner) (-5 pts)
Duty: Owner (-20 pts)
Running: HT (4 pts)
Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Flail: DX or DX-1 (2 pts)
Karate or Judo: DX (4 pts)
Knife: DX (1 pt)
Elene: IQ (1 pt)
Survival (Plains): IQ (2 pts)
Suggested Disadvantages: Berserk
Notes: A player may choose an Atan warrior as a character ONLY if one of the
other player characters will accept him as a slave (an Ally advantage of 15 pts for the
owner character which goes up as the Atan warrior character gains more points). Only
the Atans have developed Karate and Judo and are able to possess those skills.
Elene Mercenary (18 pts)
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Elene mercenaries are found in every corner of Eosia in almost every unit. From
Thalesian plunderers to Elene Church soldiers to Rendorish guerrillas.
+1 ST (10 pts)
+1 HT (10 pts)
Mercenaries Code (Do the job while being paid, don’t let a companion be left behind,
respect a surrender) (-10 pts)
Two 4 point weapons skills (8 pts)
Notes on Elene Mercenaries: Only Lamorks can start out with the Crossbow skill.
Elene mercenaries cannot start out with Lance skill. Women can become Elene mercenaries
but must take a -5 pts, -1 reaction penalty.
Peloi Horseman (11 pts)
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The Peloi horsemen are
the finest light cavalry in the world in probably the best terrain in the world for
light cavalry, the plains of eastern Pelosia. Their wild and barbaric customs and
manner can frighten those not familiar with their ways but they are loyal friends and
faithful followers of the Elene church.
The following stats are for the western Peloi. For eastern Peloi replace the sabre
skill with the javelin and buy off the claustrophobia quirk. Riding (Horse): DX+1 (4
Sabre: DX+1 (4 pts)
Animal Handling: IQ (4 pts)
Quirk: Claustrophobia (-1 pts)
Several languages are used in the world of the Elenium.
Styric (very hard)
Ancient Styric (very hard)
Dialect Styric (very hard)
Famous Characters
Name: Sparhawk
Total Points: 201
ST 12, DX 13, IQ 13, HT 12
Advantages/Disadvantages: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Level 2
(knight) Status, Clerical Investment 2, Literacy, Patron: Pandion Knights which supply
some equipment (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty: Pandion Knights (-15 pts), Vow:
Poverty (must live spartanly, i.e. they can own lands and expensive weapons but no
jewels and other kinds of, vulgar wealth) (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10
pts), Duty: Queens Champion (-5 pts), Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Hard to Kill: 2
levels, Strong Will: 2 levels, Enemy: Martel or Zalasta: (-15 pts), Quirk: Broken Nose,
Quirk: Calls people he doesn’t know “neighbor”
Skills: Riding (horse)-14, Broadsword-20, Lance-14, Shield-15, Spear-14,
Heraldry-13, Theology (Elene)-17, Language hard: Styric-11, Brawling-13, Spells:,
Illusion-12, Sense foes-12, Minor Disease-12
Name: Sephrenia
Total Points: 200+
ST 8, DX 11, IQ 15, HT 10
Advantages/Disadvantages: Magery 3 (35 pts), Reputation: -2 to Elenes (-5 pts),
Clerical Investment: High Priestess (35 pts), Pacifism: No killing (-15 pts), Beautiful
Appearance, Quirk: will not eat pork, Quirk
Skills: Occultism-15, Thaumatology-16, Theology-14, Elene-15, Ancient Styric-14,
Dialect Styric-14, Tamul-15, Troll-15, Ogre-15
Partial Spell List: Minor Disease-16, Lend Strength-16, Might-16, Suspended
Animation-16, Images of the Past-16, Itch-16, Spasm-16, Pain-16, Strike Blind-16, Sense
Foes-16, Sense Emotions-16, Mind Sending-16, Truthsayer-16, Mind Reading-16, Hide
Thought-16, Telepathy-16, Beast Speech-16, Colors-16, Simple Illusion-16, Complex
Illusion-16, Sense Life-16, Sense Foes-16, Exorcism-16, Heat-16, Dispel Illusion-16,
Light-16, Glow-16, Lend Language-16, Find Direction-16, Illusion Disguise-16, Stone to
Earth-16, Freeze-16, Deathtouch-16
Name: Talen
Total Points: 198.5
ST 9, DX 16, IQ 15, HT 10
Advantages/Disadvantages: Patron: Thieves’ Guild (6 pts), Code of Honor (-6
pts), Eidetic Memory (30 pts), Youth (-6 pts), Alertness: 2 levels, Quirk: Loves
stories, Quirk: Gives stolen items back to friends, Quirk: Compassionate to poor
Skills: Stealth-16, Pickpocket-16, Streetwise-17, Artist-16, Running-13,
Knife-15, Area Knowledge-18, Climbing-14, Fast-Talk-16, Escape-14, Lockpicking-14,
Merchant-15, Shadowing-16, Disguise-15
Name: Kurik
Total Points: 200
ST 13, DX 13, IQ 12, HT 13
Advantages/Disadvantages: Combat Reflexes, Common Sense , Dependent: Aslade (-12
pts), Age (-3 pts), Duty: Sparhawk (-5 pts), Toughness, Stubbornness, Code of Honor
(-10 pts), Quirk: thinks knights are silly, Quirk: likes kids
Skills: Axe/Mace-13, Lance-13, Broadsword-13, Shortsword-17, Shield-13,
Crossbow-16, Agronomy-13, Armoury-12, Seamanship-13, Teaching-13, Tactics-12,
Brawling-13, Carpentry-12, Flail-17, Knife-13, Riding (any type)-13
Name: Kalten
Points Total: 150
ST 13, DX 13, IQ 10, HT 13
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (-10 pts),
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical
Investment, Literacy, Patron: Pandion Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty:
Pandion Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10
pts), Hard to Kill (5 pts), Charisma 1, Quirks: Likes chambermaids
Skills: Riding-12, Broadsword-19, Lance-12, Shield-14, Spear-11, Area Knowledgre:
Lamorland-10, Theology (Elene)-12, Styric-8, Intimidation-10
Name: Bevier
Points Total: 150
ST 12, DX 13, IQ 11, HT 10
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the unfaithful (10 pts),
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical
Investment, Literacy, Patron: Pandion Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty:
Pandion Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10
pts), Combat Reflexes, Fanaticism (-15), Quirk: very formal (-1), Quirk: pray’s for his
enemies (-1)
Skills: Riding-14, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-18, Lance-15, Shield-16, Gunner (Catapult)-15,
Armoury (Siege Engine)-11, History (Elene military)-17, Theology (Elene)-17,
Mechanic-10, Engineering (Primitive machines)-9, Spells: Illusion-9
Name: Ulath
Points Total: 150
ST 13, DX 12, IQ 10, HT 12
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (-10 pts),
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical
Investment, Literacy, Patron: Genedian Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty:
Genedian Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor
(-10 pts), Hard to Kill 2 (10 pts), Quirk: Laconic, Quirk: Shirks cooking
Skills: Riding-12, Lance-12, Shield-14, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-18, Theology (Elene)-14,
Area Knowledge: Trolls-11, Troll-10, Ogre-10, Styric-9, Ancient Thalasian-10, Spells:
Illusion-10, Gambling-10
Name: Tynian
Points Total: 150
ST 13, DX 12, IQ 11, HT 11
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (-10 pts),
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical
Investment, Literacy, Patron: Alcione Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty:
Alcione Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10
pts), Hard to Kill 2, Extra Fatigue, Quirk: Jokester
Skills: Riding-12, Broadsword-18, Lance-12, Shield-14, Armoury-9, Theology (Elene)-12,
Styric-8, Spells: Illusion-10, Spells: Summon Spirit-12
Name: Berit
Points Total: 150
ST 13, DX 12, IQ 10, HT 12
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (-10 pts),
Reputation: -2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 1: Pandion Novice, Clerical
Investment, Literacy, Patron: Pandion Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty:
Pandion Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10
pts), Youth (-2 pts), Handsome Appearance (15), Quirk: Low sense of danger
Skills: Riding-11, Broadsword-10, Lance-11, Shield-12, Spear-10, Theology (Elene)-12,
Styric-7, Intimidation-8, Spells: Illusion-8
Magic is the gift of the gods. A magical effect occurs
when a magician appeals to his god with a prayer in Styric and weaves mystical patterns
in the air with his hands. Hand motions may be omitted or done with one hand and soft
speech but with the penalties described in the alternate magic ritual rules in the
sidebar of GURPS: Magic, p. 7.
All magic in the Elenium uses the Unlimited mana rules with the
following modifications: starting THRESH is 15 and RR is 15 and THRESH cannot be
exceeded. In addition magicians in the Elenium setting can use the Option to Spend
Styric Magic
The most famous of magicians are the Styrics. Many of the spells in GURPS Magic and
GURPS Grimoire are available to Styric magician PCs except for those in the forbidden
lists below. Additionally, the Styric gods do not wish to directly kill their enemies,
rather they prefer to let nature itself kill in its own time, therefore, Styric spells
will not work if they will directly kill their subject.
The pupils of the Styric mages, the Church Knights, start only with basic training
in the secrets. To simulate this, starting Knights are not taught spells that are
deeper than two levels in the GURPS spell flowcharts or in other words, no spells are
allowed that have as a prerequisite a spell that has itself a prerequisite. Knights may
receive more instruction later in their careers.
Forbidden colleges:
Animal (except for Beast Speech and its prerequisites)
Elemental Spirit
Here is a list of GURPS spells that were used in the Elenium and Tamuli trilogies in
general order of appearance:
The Diamond Throne: Suspended Animation, Minor
Disease, Might, Persuasion, Pain, Strike Blind, Mind Reading, Hide Thoughts, Beast
Speech, Perfect Illusion, Simple Illusion, Long March, Insignificance
The Ruby Knight: Sense Foes, Seeker, Trace, Sleep, Possession, Exorcism,
Heat, Light, Lend Language, Levitation, Flight
The Sapphire Rose: Telepathy, Find Direction, Illusion Disguise, Stone to
Earth, Shield, Lightning Bolt
Domes of Fire: Light, Freeze, Apportation, Fireball, Explosive Fireball,
Perfect Illusion, Possession, Deathtouch
The Shining Ones:
The Hidden City: Alter Self (Delphaeic), Alter Other (Delphaeic), Flying,
Create Water, Utter Dome
New Styric Spells
Minor Disease
Sphere: Healing
Duration: 3 + 1d days
Cost: 1 (minimum 1)
This spell allows the caster to inflict a very minor disease on someone such as
boils, carbuncle or acne. The spell cannot cause any damage or have any long term
effects. The effect will remain until it heals naturally (the time given in the
duration) or a counterspell is used.
Sparhawk used this spell on the annoying courtier at the beginning of the Diamond
Zemoch Magic
Zemoch mages also have the same selection of spells that Styrics
do but without some of the moral restrictions. Zemoch spell casters can and do use
spells that will kill.
Some of the known Zemoch spells are: Simple Illusion, Complex Illusion, Shield,
Poison, Lighting
Zemoch Spells
Ritual of
Sphere: Necromancy
Duration: Permanent
Cost: Equal to the amount of character points the advantage or knack costs and see
Casting Time: 1 hour Prerequisite:
This ritual will give the target a character advantage or spell knack. In exchange,
the target must take mental disadvantages equal to twice the advantage gained. In
addition the target become an extension of Azash, what the target knows Azash knows.
Azash then begins the target in the instruction and perversions of Zemoch magic. A
person may only be under the effects of one one ritual at a time.
The ritual takes about an hour to perform, requires a clay replica of Azash and has
an energy cost equal to character advantage or spell knack gained. The ritual also
requires all the blood of a freshly sacrificed adult human. If the sacrificed has the
magery advantage, then the target of the ritual only has to take disadvantages equal to
the cost of the advantage gained in the ritual.
The power of the ritual may be broken if the Azash statue is found and
For example: Bellina underwent the ritual to give her the Very Beautiful advantage
(25 points). The ritual took one hour, cost 25 energy points and several pints of human
blood. Bellina gained the following disadvantages: Odious personal habits: Cannibalism
(-15 points), Sadism (-15 pts), Compulsive Behavior: Cannibalism, 1/week (-15 points).
The direct contact with Azash then allowed her to learn several spells from the Mind
Control college.
Delphaeic Magic
Mind reading
Raise spirit
Raise past dead
Magic Items
There are very few magic items that were mentioned in the Elenium.
The following are some items that might be the object of a quest.
Tamul gems
Great spear in the Tamul imperial palace
Zemoch rings
jeweled bracelet in Pelosia
Kings sword in sunken Mithrium
Player’s Section
In the years that lead up to the events chronicled in the
Elenium, the Eosian continent exists in a tense state. Since the unspoken truce with
the Zemoch over five hundred years ago, a low level war is still being waged, a raid
here, an atrocity there, various recon missions on both sides. Now that war has started
to heat up again and at a most precarious time for the west.
Lamorkand comes closer to brink of a general civil war than ever, years of cutthroat
competition among the Cammorian merchants and guilds turns into a grab for the
Cammorian throne and wealth that follows, the Eshandist movement in Rendor slowly
builds to a frenzy, the endless intrigue within the kingdom of Elenia will affect the
leadership of the Church itself, even some of the Thieves’ Guilds no longer enforce the
normal rules within their community. In addition, Otha infiltrates the West with spies
not only looking for Bhelliom but to prepare the way for the invasion that is to
The Church Knights and the Zemoch have been fighting this war at the small group
level. Your party has been assembled by the Pandion perceptor Vanion at the covert
Pandion motherhouse in Moterra to assist in the fight of this small scale war. Half of
the PC’s party must consist of Church Knights and one of the knights must be a Pandion.
A Styric magician and a thieves’ guild member would be helpful in this campaign.
GM’s Section
Spoiler Warning: If you plan to play
in a GURPS Elenium campaign, reading this section might spoil certain plots!
The following are plots for a campaign set before the events in the Diamond
- Find out why some of the thieves guilds along the border aren’t playing by the
rules any more. They’ve been boycotting Theives’ Council meetings and killing theives
from other guilds. (Zemochs have infiltrated the guilds and have taken over by using
magic. The guilds have been put to use as intelligence sources. The PCs will have to
deal with the resources of the turned guilds and their inherent distrust against any
authority figures). - Horrors (like the one Tynian raised during the search for Bhelliom) are being
released into West and stirring up terror and superstition. In addition the Styrics
are being blamed for it and are being persecuted by corrupt church members. Hunt down
the existing horrors and stop the Zemoch magician that is releasing them. - Find out how true the rumors of Zemoch mobilization are and find strategic
information about it. - Why have the Cammorian trade guilds disbanded their lucrative monopolies and have
come to blows for unified power. (Zemochs’ have talked the main guild leaders’ into
undergoing rites of power. They have gone insane for power (meglomania disadvantage).
One of the guild heads has balked from the rites and is in hiding from the guilds and
the Zemochs. He’s the only one who knows the true story and can help the PCs call in
help). - Someone that has undergone the same ritual that Bellina did is building up an
army of infectious servants to spread havoc in the west. The PCs must stay clean
while stopping the infection from spreading out of control.
Detailed Plot
- Where are our Styrics?
- Styric magician reports that Styric villages are turning up empty.
- Investigate the villages and discover that the Zemochs are using an ancient
ritual to nullify Styric magic. They then sweep in grab everyone with the magery
advantage to use in their Rituals of
Power. - PCs must find a reclusive Styric who knows the counter to the spell.
- Only one other village in the area has people with mages in it. The PC should
trap the Zemoch raiders at that village and capture some prisoners who can tell them
the way back to the Styric prison camp. - Find the prison camp and liberate the drugged Styric prisoners.
- Post Mission
- The Zemochs have tasked several groups to deal with the PCs that have just
disrupted one of their operations
Other Campaign Settings
In addtion to the plots based in the setting above,
there are several other settings and plots that can be played in the world of the
The Past
- The PCs must help found one of the Elene institutions (the Church, the Church
Knights, the Thousand). - Fight in the Zemoch war that occured 500 years before the Elenium.
The Books
The PCs can also be part of the background action from the books.
Whenever the Knights do something independent of the main characters, the PCs can be
part of that action.
- The PCs must find some of the missing patriarchs during the election of the
Archprelate. - The PCs are among the Knights picked to accompany Queen Ehlana’s trip to
The Future
- Sarabian has been assassinated and the new emperor has decided to conquer Zemoch
and the West. The PCs must deal with the Atan who are using the tactics taught to
them by the Church Knights in the Tamuli. - Invaders from the far southern continents led by an Elder God are attacking
Eosia. They can now invade the north because Azash and Bhelliom no longer obstruct
them. Rally the Elenes and the Styrics to fight off the invaders. - Bhelliom has need of some Church Knights on a world that is held by Klael. The
PCs must learn how to survive and fight on a world that is hostile to them.
Alternate Histories
- Sparhawk and his group are killed before they can recover Bhelliom. The PCs must
take up where they have left off and restore the queen. The PCs must also figure out
how to make one of their number Anahka so he can use Bhelliom.
The Good
Typical Pandion Knight
Total Points: 40
ST 11, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 11
Base Speed 5.5, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry (Broadsword) 5, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+1
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (10 pts), Reputation:
-2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical Investment,
Literacy, Patron: Pandion Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty: Pandion
Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts),
Hard to Kill (5 pts)
Skills: Riding-11, Broadsword-11, Lance-11, Shield-12, Spear-11, Heraldry-10, Theology
(Elene)-12, Styric-8, Intimidation-10, Any weapon Skill (1 pt)
Typical Genidian Knight
Total Points: 40
ST 12, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 10
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry (Axe) 6, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+2
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (10 pts), Reputation:
-2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical Investment,
Literacy, Patron: Genidian Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty: Genidian
Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts),
Hard to Kill (5 pts)
Skills: Riding-11, Axe/Mace-12, Lance-11, Shield-12, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-11, Theology
(Elene)-12, Area Knowledge: Trolls-10, Troll-9, Ogre-9, Styric-8
Typical Alcione Knight
Total Points: 40
ST 12, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 10
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry (Axe) 5, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+2
Advantages/Disadvantages Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (10 pts),: Reputation:
-2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical Investment,
Literacy, Patron: Alcione Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty: Alcione
Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts),
Hard to Kill, Fit
Skills: Riding-11, Broadsword-12, Lance-11, Shield-12, Armoury-9, Theology (Elene)-12,
Typical Cyrinic Knight
Total Points: 40
ST 12, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 10
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 5, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+2
Advantages/Disadvantages: Reputation: +2 reaction to the faithful (10 pts), Reputation:
-2 reaction to the unfaithful (-10 pts), Status 2: Knight, Clerical Investment,
Literacy, Patron: Cyrinic Knights (20 pts), Duty: Church (-15 pts), Duty: Cyrinic
Knights (-15 pts), Vow: Spartan living (-2 pts), Gentleman’s Code of Honor (-10 pts),
Hard to Kill, Fit
Skills: Riding-11, Broadsword-11, Lance-11, Shield-12, Gunner (Catapult)-11, Armoury
(Siege Engine)-9, History (Elene military)-13, Theology (Elene)-12, Mechanic-9,
Engineering (Primitive machines)-8
The Bad
Typical Church Soldier
Total Points: 25
ST 11, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 11
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 5, Block 5
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+1
Skills: Broadsword-11, Shield-10
Heavy Leather: PD 2, DR 2
Elite Church Soldier
Total Points: 53
ST 11, DX 11, IQ 10, HT 10
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 7, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+1
Advantages: Combat Reflexes
Skills: Broadsword-14, Shield-12
Chain Mail: PD 3, DR 4
Zemoch Soldier
Total Points: 15
ST 10, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 11
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 5, Block 5
Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d
Skills: Broadsword-11, Shield-10
Heavy Leather: PD 2, DR 2
Zemoch Imperial Guard
Total Points: 38
ST 11, DX 11, IQ 10, HT 10
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 7, Block 6
Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+1
Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Fanaticism
Skills: Broadsword-14, Shield-12
Chain Mail: PD 3, DR 4, Medium Shield: PD 3
Zemoch Priest
Total Points: 19
ST 10, DX 10, IQ 10, HT 11
Base Speed 5.25, Move 5
Dodge 5, Parry 5, Block 5
Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d
Skills: Broadsword-11, Shield-10, Spell: Simple Illusion-10
The Ugly
Total Points: 143
ST 18, DX 10, IQ 5, HT 15/25
Move 6
DR 3
Abilities: Strikes with claws for 2d+1 damage Advantages/Disadvantages: Absolute
Direction, Quirk: Hates being mistaken as an Ogre
Skills: Two-handed Mace-12
Trolls live in the snowy forests and mountains of Thalasia. They are uncivilized,
unsociable carnivores. They typically stand 8 feet tall and are covered with thick fur.
Trolls are solitary creatures that shun all other forms of life even other trolls. Only
during mating season is the exception. Trolls are savage fighters and once engaged in a
fight they do not give up until dead. Trolls normally use their claws in melee but it
is not unusual to find them using large clubs (treat as two-handed mace). Because of
their thick fur, trolls must live in cold climates. Trolls can also feel the pull of
magnetic north. Trolls are considered a nuisance by Thalasians. The Genidian Knights
are often called in to deal with them.
Total Points: 276
ST 20, DX 10, IQ 6, HT 15/25
Move 6
DR 4
Abilities: Strikes with horns for 3d damage
Ogres are the larger cousins of the trolls. They aren’t as dangerous to people as the
trolls due to their diet. Ogres eat plants and carrion as well as fresh meat like
trolls. Ogres are hunted by Genidian Knights to use their almost indestructible horns
on their helmets.
ST 15, DX 10, IQ 15, HT 15
Move 6
Abilities: Strikes with claws for 2d-1 damage
Advantages/Disadvantages: Vulnerability: Styric smoke
Spells: Seeker-20, Poltergeist (modified)-20, Mental Stun-20
Magic Ability: THRESH-30, RR-30
The Seeker is used by the Zemoch to hunt down escaped slaves with an innate Seeker
spell. These servants of Azash are humanoid but their arms end in scorpion-like
pincers. They usually wear a robe to cover these non-human features. They faces emit a
green glow that hypnotizes whoever looks directly into it (a Mental Stun spell). They
use this hypnotic gaze to immobilize their prey so they can use their bite to totally
dominate the prey (treat as an Enslave spell). The Seeker usually has a a group of
dominated servants to protect it, but the Seeker can use its claws as well as a force
bolt spell (treat as a modified Poltergeist spell where no object is required to be
thrown) to provide a formidable defense.
ST 20, DX 10, IQ 15, HT 15/20
Move 6
DR 3
Abilities: Strikes with fist for 2d-1 damage
Spells: Whirlwind-20, False Memory-20, Pain-20, Lightning-20
Skill: Interrogation-15
Magic Ability: THRESH-30, RR-30
ST 25, DX 10, IQ 5, HT 15/20
Move 6
PD 2, DR 5
Abilities: Strikes with claw for 3d+1 damage
Undead Horror
ST 25, DX 10, IQ 5, HT 15/30
Move 6
PD 2, DR 5
Abilities: Strikes with fist for 3d+1 damage, Vampiric Immunity Notes: Can only be
created through non-Zemoch magic.
The horrors are the shock troops of Azash. They are very strong, have thick scales
as a defense and are vicious fighters. The evil god summoned these beasts to fight in
the Zemoch war over five hundred years ago. Thousands of these beasts were buried on
these fields although there were not quite dead. Tynian’s Summon Spirit spell
accidentally raised one of these horrors in its undead form. Fortunately, the Zemochs
can’t perform this ritual.