This is a quick conversion for the players of GURPS and AD&D who want to be able to use their AD&D characters with the GURPS system. This conversion is oriented to convert existing AD&D characters to GURPS. Hopefully, these guidelines will help those players building a character in an AD&D world totally with the GURPS system. The AD&D Players Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) and Monstrous Compendiums (MC) describe the various classes, races, proficiencies, and magic in detail and are neccessary to use this conversion.
Remember, these are guidelines for conversion and are intended to keep the spirit of the AD&D character in the GURPS system.
This section covers converting an existing AD&D character to the GURPS system. This conversion assumes that a first through third level character is a 100 point character with 40 points of disadvantages and 5 one-point quirks.
Ability scores
Ability scores are the most difficult part of converting AD&D characters to GURPS. Players will notice that their GURPS attribute acores are much lower than their ability scores in AD&D. This is be expected since there is a much larger gap between the average ablity score and the first bonus in AD&D system and the same gap in the GURPS system. For example, the average AD&D ability score and GURPS attribute score is 10. The first Strength bonus (+1 damage) in AD&D is at Str 15 (5 levels) while in GURPS the first damage bouns (+1 thrust and +1 swing damage) for strength is at ST 11 (1 level). The other scores suffer similar effects.
GURPS does not have a Wisdom score as AD&D does. Either a character’s Wisdom or Intelligence ability score can be converted to GURPS IQ. A character with a Wisdom higher than 15 should consider taking the Common Sense advantage.
To keep the character under the suggested 100 points, the prime requisite of a character’s class typically determines which ability scores an AD&D character must convert to GURPS first. First, fighters convert only strength to ST, thieves convert only dexterity to DX, priests and wizards convert either wisdom or intelligence respectively to IQ, and bards get to choose which attribute to convert. Next, all characters get to convert their constitution scores to HT. If a character has an AD&D ability that converts to a GURPS attribute less than 10, you must convert that ability. Any points remaining after converting race, class, and proficiencies may be used to raise other attribute scores. The following AD&D ability ranges convert to GURPS attributes.
AD&D Strength to GURPS ST: 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9-11 = 9 12-14 = 10 15-16 = 11 17-18 = 12 18(01) – 18(75) = 13 18(76) – 18(90) = 14 18(91) – 18(99) = 15 18(00) = 16 |
AD&D Dexterity to GURPS DX: 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 – 11 = 9 12 – 13 = 10 14 – 15 = 11 16 = 12 17 = 13 18 = 14 |
AD&D Intelligence or Wisdom (whichever is higher) to GURPS IQ: 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 – 11 = 9 12 – 13 = 10 14 – 15 = 11 16 = 12 17 = 13 18 = 14 |
AD&D Constitution to GURPS HT: 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 – 11 = 9 12 – 13 = 10 14 – 15 = 11 16 = 12 17 = 13 18 = 14 |
There is no equivalent GURPS score for the AD&D ability of Charisma. Each level of reaction bonuses due to high AD&D charisma are equivalent to one level of Charisma advantage.
Character classes typically have the following advantages, disadvantages and other abilities. When characters are directly converted from AD&D to GURPS they should take these advantages.
Combat reflexes (15 pts)
Suggested skills: Any weapon
Ambidexterity (10 pts)
Animal empathy (5 pts)
Tracking IQ+2 (6 pts)
Stealth IQ (2 pts)
Reputation: Ranger enemy (Var.)
Suggested skills: Any weapon, Survival: Woods
Suggested Advantages: Divine magic spheres (minor animal and plant, 3.5 pts), Divine magic skill
Rangers acquire spells as clerics do. See the magic section for a description of cleric magic.
Paladins have the GURPS abilities:
Blessed – immunity: magic + 2 (4 pts)
Clerical Investiture (5 pts)
Detect evil (as the 1st level cleric spell, 10 pts)
Healing level 1 (15 pts)
Immunity to disease (15 pts)
Protection from evil, 10′ radius (15 pts)
Vow: Poverty (may not possess more than 10 magic items, must never retain
wealth, must tithe, -15 pts)
Suggested skills: Any weapon
Suggested Advantages: Divine magic spheres (minor combat, divination, healing and protective, 6 pts), Divine magic skill
Paladins acquire spells as clerics do. See the magic section for a description of cleric magic.
The Bladesinger kit has the following abilities:
Combat reflexes (15 pts)
Arcane Magic (40 pts)
Arcane Magic Skill (1 pts)
Weapon + 1 (easy 1 pt, average 2 pts, or hard 4 pts)
Cast spells one-handed (2 pts)
Duty: Elvendom (-10 pts)
Vow: Learn only one weapon (-10 pts)
Vow: Wear no armer heavier than leather or studded leather (-5 pts)
Dancing (Bladesong) at DX+2 (2 pts)
Bladesingers are the sole teachers of Bladesong.
Clerical investment level 1(5 pts)
Divine Magic (40 pts)
Divine Magic Skill (1 pts)
Vow: Use only blunt weapons (-10 pts)
Duty: Church (variable)
The clerics turn undead ability is equal to the clerical spellcasting ability.
Priestly spell casting ability is described in the magic section.
Suggested skills: Any allowed weapon
Druids who are spellcasters have the abilities:
Clerical investment level 1(5 pts)
Divine Magic (major spheres: all, animal, elemental, healing, plant, and weather, minor spheres: divination, 22 pts)
Divine Magic Skill (1 pts)
Vow: Use only natural armor (-8 pts)
Vow: Use only druid weapons (-8 pts)
Animal empathy (5 pts)
Sense of Duty: Nature (-10 pts)
Priestly spell casting ability is described in the magic section.
Suggested skills: Any allowed weapon, Survival: Woods
Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms
May convert either strength to ST or wisdom to IQ
Clerical investment level 1(5 pts)
Divine Magic (40 pts)
Divine Magic Skill (1 pts)
Berserk(-15 pts)
Duty: Church (variable)
Vow: Use only melee blunt weapons, spiked glove, and one other melee weapon
of choice(-10 pts)
Blessed aptitude: weapon of choice +1 to that skill (2 pts)
Armoury TL/3: Armor
Armoury TL/3: Melee weapons
Blind fighting
Clerical investment level 1(5 pts)
Divine Magic (40 pts)
Divine Magic Skill (1 pts)
Vow: Use only blunt weapons(-10 pts)
Luck (15 pts)
Duty: Church (variable)
Thieves should have the following skills:
Acute Hearing
True Bards
Use the above conversion of the following thieves skills Climb walls,
detect noise, and pick pockets.
Bard IQ+1 (4 pts)
Musical instrument IQ+1 (4 pts)
Arcane Magic (40 pts)
Arcane Magic Skill (1 pts)
Acute Hearing
Bards gain spells just like mages do. Wizard’s spell casting ability is described in detail in the magic section.
Wizards and Illusionists
Wizard’s spell casting ability is described in detail in the magic section.
Weapon Proficiencies
GURPS has fewer weapon skills than AD&D proficiencies. The following list shows which AD&D weapons proficiencies are equivalent to GURPS skills.
- Battle Axe, Footman’s Mace and Horseman’s Mace proficiencies become the Axe/Mace skill.
- Hand Axe proficiency becomes the Axe/Mace and Throwing Axe skills.
- Sap proficiency is the Blackjack skill.
- All sword proficiencies (except Two-Handed Sword, Bastard Sword, Short Sword, Sabre and Rapier) and Club become the Broadsword skill.
- Two-Handed Sword and Bastard Sword become the Two-Handed Sword skill.
- Rapier and Sabre proficiencies become the Fencing skill.
- Footman’s Flail, Horseman’s Flail and Scourge proficiencies become the Flail skill.
- Dagger, Knife, Main Gauche, and Stiletto proficiencies becomes the Knife and/or Knife Throwing skills.
- Lance proficiency become the Lance skill.
- All Polearm proficiencies become the Polearm skill.
- Short Sword proficiency becomes the Short Sword skill.
- Harpoon, Trident and all Spear proficiencies become the Spear skill.
- Quarterstaff proficiency becomes the Staff skill.
- Great Axe, Warhammer, Maul and Scythe proficiencies become the Two-Handed Axe/Mace skill.
- Two-handed Sword and bastard sword proficiencies become the Two-handed Sword skill.
- Whip proficiency becomes the Whip skill.
- Blowgun proficiency becomes the Blowpipe skill.
- Bola proficiency becomes the Bola skill.
- All Long Bow and Short Bow proficiencies become the Bow skill.
- All Crossbow proficiencies become the Crossbow skill.
- Lasso proficiency becomes the Lasso skill.
- Sling and Staff Sling proficiencies become the Sling skill.
- Arquebus, Starwheel and other firearms proficiencies become Black Powder Weapons/TL 3 skill.
Weapon Skills
To convert an AD&D attack roll to a GURPS weapon skill subtract
the THACO score from 30 (30 – THACO = skill level). When calculating THACO,
only add bonuses due to specialization and strength. For every other weapon
proficiency over one that transfers over to one GURPS skill, add one to
the skill roll. Use GURPS damage for the closest weapon type based on the
characters ST.
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
The following AD&D non-weapon proficiencies transfer directly into a GURPS skill of the same name:
Animal Handling, Blacksmith, Blind Fighting (M/VH), Carpentry, Cooking, Dancing, Disguise, Engineering, Fast-Talk, Fishing, Forgery, Heraldry, Hunting, Jumping, Languages, Leatherworking, Musical Instrument, Navigation, Poetry, Pottery, Riding, Running, Singing, Survival, Swimming, Tracking and Ventriloquism.
The following AD&D non-weapon proficiencies convert to the following GURPS skill or advantage:
- Agriculture to Agronomy/TL 3
- Alertness and Observation to Alertness/level 1 advantage (cumulative)
- Ancient and Local History to History
- Animal Lore to Naturalist
- Appraising and Gem Cutting to Jeweler/TL 3
- Armorer to Armoury/TL 3: Armor
- Artistic Ability to Artist, Sculpting, or Woodworking
- Astrology to Astronomy/TL 3
- Bowyer/Fletcher to Armoury/TL 3: Bows and Arrows
- Brewing to Distilling
- Direction Sense to Direction Sense advantage
- Endurance increases HT by 1
- Engineering to Engineer/TL 3: Primitive Machines
- Etiquette to Savoir-Faire
- Gaming to Gambling
- Healing to First-Aid or Physician
- Herbalist to Naturalist
- Hunting to Tracking
- Juggling, Tightrope Walking, and Tumbling to Acrobatics (highest skill)
- Mining to Engineer: Mining
- Modern and Ancient Languages to Languages
- Mountaineering to Climbing
- Read/Write to Literacy advantage
- Religion to Theology
- Seamstress/Tailor to Needlecraft
- Spellcraft to Thaumatology
- Stonemasonry to Masonry
- Weaponsmithing to Armoury/TL 3: Melee weapons
- Weather Sense to Meteorology/TL 3
Non-weapon proficiency scores transfer to GURPS skill scores as per
the following table.
1 = 5
2 = 6
3 = 7
4 – 5 = 8
6 – 9 = 9
10 – 12 = 10
13 – 14 = 11
15 – 16 = 12
17 = 13
18 = 14
19 = 15
Hill, Mountain and Deep Dwarves (-1.5′, 9.5 pts)
+1 HT (10 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Magic resistance + 2 only for the items in the dwarf description on p. 21 of the PHB (4 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Reputation -3: Goblinoids (-10 pts)
Reputation -1: Non-dwarves (-2.5 pts)
Reduced move -1 (-5 pts)
Quirk: Never shave beards (-1 pts)
Duergar (-1.5′, 16.5 pts)
+1 HT (10 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Magic resistance level 2 (4 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Reputation -3: Goblinoids (-10 pts)
Reputation -1: Non-dwarves (-2.5 pts)
Quirk: Never shave beards (-1 pts)
Innate spell abilities (var.)
Gully Dwarves (-1.5′, -1 pts)
+1 HT (10 pts)
+1 ST (10 pts)
-2 IQ (10 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Magic resistance level 2 (4 pts)
Reputation -3: Goblinoids (-10 pts)
Reputation -2: Non-dwarves (-5 pts)
High Elves (-15 lbs., 27 pts)
+1 DX (10 pts)
-1 HT (-10 pts)
Bow+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword+1 (2 pts)
Shortsword+1 (2 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Acute vision level 1 (2 pts)
Drow Elves (-15 lbs., 31 pts)
+2 DX (20 pts)
+1 IQ (10 pts)
-1 HT (-10 pts)
Odious Personal Habits (-10)
Magic Resistance 2 (4 pts)
Bow+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword+1 (2 pts)
Shortsword+1 (2 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Acute vision level 1 (2 pts)
Reputation: elves -4 (-10 pts)
Innate spell abilities (var.)
Grey Elves (-15 lbs., 17 pts)
+1 DX (10 pts)
+2 IQ (20 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
-2 HT (-20 pts)
Bow+1 (4 pts)
Broadsword+1 (2 pts)
Shortsword+1 (2 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Acute vision level 1 (2 pts)
Reputation: Non-elves -3 (-7.5 pts)
Reputation: elves -1 (-2.5 pts)
Sylvan Elves (-10 lbs., 20 pts)
+1 ST (10 pts)
+1 DX (10 pts)
-1 HT (-10 pts)
Bow+1 (4 pts)
Shortsword+1 (2 pts)
Broadsword+1 (2 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Acute vision level 1 (2 pts)
Animal empathy (5 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Intolerace: Non-Sylvan Elves (-10 pts)
Reputation: all -1 (-5 pts)
Forestbound (like Planetbound, duration: 2 years, loses 1 HT per 2 weeks, any forest, -2 pts)
Half-Elves (17 pts)
Acute vision level 1 (2 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Rock Gnomes (-1.5′, -35 lbs., 19 pts)
+1 IQ (10 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Svirfneblin (-1.5′, -35 lbs., 35 pts)
+1 DX (10 pts)
-1 IQ (-10 pts)
Common Sense (10 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Magic Resistance level 2 (4 pts)
Stealth+1 (2 pts)
Alertness level 1 (5 pts)
Reputation: Non-Svirfneblin -2 (-5 pts)
Innate spell abilities (var.)
Svirfneblin may also buy extra levels of PD
Tinker Gnomes (-1.5′, -35 lbs., 32 pts)
+2 DX (20 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
Clueless (-5 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Magic Resistance level 2 (4 pts)
Reputation: Non-Tinker Gnome -2 (-5 pts)
Science!/TL3+1 (4 pts)
Hairfoot (-2’9″, 14 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
+1 DX (10 pts)
Stealth+2 (4 pts)
Magic resistance + 1 (2 pts)
Sling DX (4 pt)
Throwing DX (4 pts)
Reputation: Humans +2 (5 pts)
Reduced move -1 (-5 pts)
Stout (-2’11”, 28 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
+1 DX or +1 HT (10 pts)
Engineering: Mining+1 (4 pts)
Stealth+2 (4 pts)
Infravision (15 pts)
Magic resistance + 1 (2 pts)
Sling DX (4 pt)
Throwing DX (4 pts)
Reduced move -1 (-5 pts)
Tallfellow (-1’9″, 9 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
+1 DX or Common Sense (10 pts)
Stealth+2 (4 pts)
Acute vision + 1 (2 pts)
Magic resistance + 1 (2 pts)
Sling DX (4 pt)
Throwing DX (4 pts)
Reduced move -1 (-5 pts)
Kender (-1.5′, 29 pts)
-1 ST (-10 pts)
+2 DX (20 pts)
Stealth+2 (4 pts)
Pickpocket+2 (4 pts)
Acute vision + 1 (2 pts)
Magic resistance + 1 (2 pts)
Sling DX (4 pt)
Throwing DX (4 pts)
Reduced move -1 (-5 pts)
Curious (-5 pts)
Fearlessness level 2 (4 pts)
Characters in the AD&D system to do not use the GURPS system of magic described in GURPS: Basic, GURPS: Magic and GURPS: Grimoire. The mechanics of magic are completely different in both systems. GURPS treats spell knowledge and ability in terms of skills where AD&D magic always works but is limited by memorization from a spellbook or access to a diety. AD&D mages and priests converted to GURPS keep the same magic system described in the AD&D books but gain their levels by spending character points as described below.
Arcane Magic (40 points)
This advantage allows the character to cast spells exactly like an AD&D mage. A mage must rest and memorize spells from his spell book and the number of spells that the mage can cast is dependent on the mage’s Arcane Magic skill (listed below). Once a memorized spell is cast it is forgotten until memorized again.
The mage may choose any of the standard mage options. Among these options are generalist, specialist, wild and elemental mages.
Arcane Magic (Mental/Very Hard)
The Arcane Magic skill determines the level of the mage in AD&D terms. The mage’s AD&D level is the Arcane magic skill minus 10 divided by two ( [skill – 10] / 2) rounded down.
Divine Magic (variable points)
This advantage allows the character to cast spells exactly like an AD&D priest. A priest must rest and memorize spells and the number of spells that the mage can cast is dependent on the priest’s Divine Magic skill (listed below). Once a memorized spell is cast it is forgotten until memorized again.
Spheres may be bought individually as well. The costs of the minor and major access are as follows:
Sphere | Minor | Major | |||
All | 1 | 2 | |||
Animal | 2 | 3 | |||
Astral | 1 | 2 | |||
Chaos | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Charm | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Combat | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Creation | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Divination | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Elemental | 2.5 | 6.5 | |||
Air | .5 | 1.5 | |||
Earth | 1 | 2.5 | |||
Fire | 1 | 2.5 | |||
Water | 1 | 1.5 | |||
Guardian | 1 | 1.5 | |||
Healing | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Law | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Necromatic | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Numbers | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Plant | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Protection | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Summoning | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Sun | 1 | 1.5 | |||
Thought | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Time | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Travelers | 1 | 1.5 | |||
War | 1 | 1.5 | |||
Wards | 1.5 | 3 | |||
Weather | 1.5 | 3 |
Most dieties require a clerical investiture as well. This cost is not included in the Divine Magic advantage.
Divine Magic (Mental/Very Hard)
The Divine Magic skill determines the level of the priest in AD&D terms. The priest’s AD&D level is the Divine magic skill minus 10 divided by two ( [skill – 10] / 2) rounded down.
Magic Effects
Spells effects are handled like they are described in the AD&D rules. Range, area of effect, spell components, and damage are unchanged. Casting times over one AD&D round remain unchanged, otherwise they casting time is one GURPS round. Saving throws will depend on the effect. Effects that require dodging out of the way, such as with Fireball and Lightning Bolt, use DX as the save. Spells that affect the mind, such as Charm Person, use IQ. The GM will be the final arbiter of saves.